Note 3 - Account by business line

For the subsidiaries the figures refer to the respective company accounts, while for joint ventures incorporated by the equity method the Group’s profit share is stated, after tax, as well as book value of the investment at group level.

Group 30 September 2021  
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM1 SB1 Finans MN SB1 Regnskaps- huset SMN SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Other/
Net interest 840 826 -3 1 297 -0 - - 112 2,073
Interest from allocated capital 19 2 - - - - - - -21 -
Total interest income 859 828 -3 1 297 -0 -  -  91 2,073
Comission income and other income 682 178 611 342 -19 439 - - -71 2,161
Net return on financial investments **) 2 10 81 10 - - 298 122 285 808
Total income 1,542 1,016 689 353 278 439 298 122 304 5,042
Total operating expenses 673 325 486 282 111 357 - - -7 2,228
Ordinary operating profit 869 691 203 71 167 82 298 122 311 2,814
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  -11 125 - - 13 - - - 1 129
Result before tax including held for sale 880 566 203 71 153 82 298 122 310 2,685
Post-tax-return on equity *) 13.4 % 11.1 %               13.8 %
Loans and advances to customers 135,344 46,859 - - 10,094 - - - -321 191,976
Adv.of this sold to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -46,867 -1,237 - - - - - - 100 -48,004
Allowance for credit loss -125 -1,381 - - 10,003 - - - -10,065 -1,568
Other assets 130 17,899 3,025 422 -9,868 622 2,004 1,635 41,851 57,721
Total assets 88,482 62,140 3,025 422 10,230 622 2,004 1,635 31,565 200,124
Deposits to customers 49,909 59,006 - - - - - - 776 109,691
Other liabilites and equity 38,573 3,134 3,025 422 10,230 622 2,004 1,635 30,788 90,433
Total liabilities and equity 88,482 62,140 3,025 422 10,230 622 2,004 1,635 31,565 200,124
 *) Calculation of capital employed in Retail Banking and Corporate Banking is based on regulatory capital. This capital is grossed up to 16.9 percent to be in line with the capital plan during the year 




Group 30 September 2020
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM1 SB1 Finans MN SB1 Regnskaps- huset SMN SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Other/
Net interest  823 828 -10 1 282 0 - - 147 2,071
Interest from allocated capital 103 68 - - - - - - -172 -
Total interest income 926 896 -10 1 282 0 -  -  -25 2,071
Comission income and other income 612 166 375 300 -16 415 - - -74 1,779
Net return on financial investments **) -3 17 109 - - - 107 84 439 753
Total income  1,536 1,079 474 300 267 415 107 84 -340 4,603
Total operating expenses 704 321 394 251 97 327 - - -14 2,080
Ordinary operating profit 832 758 80 50 170 88 107 84 354 2,523
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  58 614 - - 37 - - - -0 709
Result before tax including held for sale 773 144 80 50 133 88 107 84 354 1,814
Post-tax-return on equity *) 12.6 % 3.4 %               10.4 %
Loans and advances to customers 126,939 43,700 - - 9,531 - - - -748 179,423
Adv. of this sold to SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt -44,447 -1,436 - - - - - - 100 -45,782
Allowance for credit losses -154 -1,235 - - -65 - - - -4 -1,457
Other assets  197 8,457 2,747 355 51 568 2,061 1,477 38,802 54,716
Total assets  82,536 49,487 2,747 355 9,518 568 2,061 1,477 38,151 186,900
Deposits to customers  47,574 46,404 - - - - - - 1,413 95,391
Other liabilites and equity 34,962 3,084 2,747 355 9,518 568 2,061 1,477 36,737 91,509
Total liabilities and equity 82,536 49,487 2,747 355 9,518 568 2,061 1,477 38,151 186,900
*) Calculation of capital employed in Retail Banking and Corporate Banking is based on regulatory capital. This capital is grossed up to 15.4 percent to be in line with the capital plan




Group 31 December 2020                    
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM1 SB1 Finans MN SB1
Regnskaps-  huset SMN
BN Bank Other/
Net interest 1,112 1,085 -13 2 387 1 - - 186 2,759
Interest from allocated capital 101 63 - - - - - - -165 -
Total interest income 1,213 1,149 -13 2 387 1 -  -  21 2,759
Commission income and other income 867 211 636 392 -22 533 - - -101 2,516
Net return on financial investments **) -2 21 137  - - - 194 120 481 951
Total income  2,078 1,381 759 394 364 533 194 120 401 6,225
Total operating expenses 929 422 590 342 131 423     68 2,904
Ordinary operating profit 1,149 959 169 52 234 110 194 120 333 3,321
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  56 846 - - 49 - - - 1 951
Result before tax including held for sale 1,093 113 169 52 184 110 194 120 333 2,370
Post-tax return on equity*) 13.4 % 2.1%               10.0 %
Loans and advances to customers 129,149 44,845 - - 9,622 - - - -815 182,801
Adv. of this sold to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -46,899 -1,354 - - - - - - -100 -48,153
Allowance for credit losses -148 -1,298 - - -66 - - - -5 -1,517
Other assets  156 10,471 3,265 357 66 592 2,151 1,514 36,210 54,781
Total assets 82,258 52,663 3,265 357 9,623 592 2,151 1,514 35,490 187,912
Deposits to customers  47,478 49,420 - - - - - - 631 97,529
Other liabilities and equity 34,780 3,244 3,265 357 9,623 592 2,151 1,514 34,859 90,383
Total liabilites and equity 82,258 52,663 3,265 357 9,623 592 2,151 1,514 35,490 187,912
*) Calculation of capital employed in Retail Banking and Corporate Banking is based on regulatory capital. This capital is grossed up to 15.4 percent to be in line with the capital plan


**) Specification of net return on financial investments (NOKm) 30 Sept 21 30 Sept 20 31 Dec 20
Dividends 21 12 39
Capital gains/losses shares  161 -2 -4
Gain/(loss) on sertificates and bonds  -196 166 103
Gain/(loss) on derivatives 232 -78 32
Gain/(loss) on financial instruments related to hedging -7 0 1
Gain/(loss) on other financial instruments at fair value (FVO) 0 -14 -11
Foreign exchange gain/(loss) 46 79 82
Gain/(loss) on shares and share derivatives at SpareBank 1 Markets 30 26 28
Net return on financial instruments 267 177 230
SpareBank 1 Gruppen 298 107 194
Gain Fremtind Forsikring - 340 340
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  18 22 18
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 6 14 18
BN Bank 122 84 120
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort 11 2 2
SpareBank 1 Betaling -6 -3 -2
Other companies 69 -1 -10
Income from investment in associates and joint ventures 519 564 681
Total net return on financial investments 808 753 951
Fair value hedging      
Changes in fair value on hedging instrument -460 502 467
Changes in fair value on hedging item 454 -502 -465
Net Gain or Loss from hedge accounting -7 0 1
© SpareBank 1 SMN