Note 4 - Capital adequacy

Capital adequacy is calculated and reported in accordance with the EU capital requirements regulations for banks and investment firms (CRR/CRD IV). SpareBank 1 SMN utilises the Internal Rating Based Approach (IRB) for credit risk. Advanced IRB Apporoach is used for the corporate portfolios. Use of IRB imposes wide-ranging requirements on the bank’s organisational set-up, competence, risk models and risk management systems.

As of 30 September 2021 the overall minimum requirement on CET1 capital is 12.5 per cent. The capital conservation buffer requirement is 2.5 per cent, the systemic risk requirement for Norwegian IRB-banks is 4.5 per cent and the Norwegian countercyclical buffer is 1.0 per cent. These requirements are additional to the requirement of 4.5 per cent CET1 capital. In addition the financial supervisory authority has set a Pillar 2 requirement of 1.9 per cent for SpareBank 1 SMN, however not below NOK 1,794 million in monetary terms. The Norwegian countercyclical buffer will rise to 1.5 per cent with effect from 30 June 2022.

The systemic risk buffer stands at 4.5 per cent for the Norwegian exposures. For exposures in other countries, the particular country’s systemic buffer rate shall be employed. As of 30 September 2021 the effective rate for the parent bank and for the group is accordingly 4.4 per cent.

The countercyclical buffer is calculated using differentiated rates. For exposures in other countries the countercyclical buffer rate set by the authorities in the country concerned is applied. If that country has not set a rate, the same rate as for exposures in Norway is applied unless the Ministry of Finance sets another rate. For the third quarter of 2021 both the parent bank and the group is below the capital deduction threshold such that the Norwegian rate is applied to all relevant exposures.


Parent Bank   Group
31 Dec 2020 30 Sept 2020 30 Sept 2021 (NOKm) 30 Sept 2021 30 Sept 2020 31 Dec 2020
18,092 17,876 19,629 Total book equity 23,077 20,829 21,310
-1,250 -1,203 -1,211 Additional Tier 1 capital instruments included in total equity -1,252 -1,244 -1,293
-515 -494 -500 Deferred taxes, goodwill and other intangible assets -1,040 -1,047 -1,044
-890 - -627 Deduction for allocated dividends and gifts -627 - -890
- - - Non-controlling interests recognised in other equity capital -848 -800 -838
- - - Non-controlling interests eligible for inclusion in CET1 capital 504 414 488
- -1,155 -1,841 Net profit -2,199 -1,528 -
- 368 723 Year-to-date profit included in core capital (50 per cent (50 per cent) pre tax of group profit) 1,079 739 -
-43 -47 -40 Value adjustments due to requirements for prudent valuation -52 -59 -56
-47 -75 -581 Positive value of adjusted expected loss under IRB Approach -616 -98 -74
- - - Cash flow hedge reserve 5 13 10
-186 -186 -187 Deduction for common equity Tier 1 capital in significant investments in financial institutions -360 -510 -572
15,160 15,084 15,365 Common equity Tier 1 capital 17,671 16,711 17,041
1,250 1,250 1,250 Additional Tier 1 capital instruments 1,594 1,579 1,595
16,410 16,334 16,615 Tier 1 capital 19,265 18,290 18,636
      Supplementary capital in excess of core capital      
1,750 1,750 1,750 Subordinated capital 2,247 2,240 2,262
-139 -157 -174 Deduction for significant investments in financial institutions -174 -157 -139
1,611 1,593 1,576 Additional Tier 2 capital instruments 2,072 2,083 2,123
18,020 17,927 18,190 Total eligible capital 21,338 20,373 20,759



      Minimum requirements subordinated capital      
1,053 1,044 1,074 Specialised enterprises 1,254 1,236 1,240
920 981 955 Corporate 968 991 930
1,511 1,598 1,415 Mass market exposure, property 2,348 2,282 2,261
107 108 100 Other mass market 103 111 110
1,026 1,012 1,045 Equity positions IRB 1 1 1
4,617 4,742 4,590 Total credit risk IRB 4,675 4,621 4,541
1 2 3 Central government 4 2 2
93 115 130 Covered bonds 151 162 142
441 507 379 Institutions 324 402 332
- - - Local and regional authorities, state-owned enterprises 31 21 27
32 27 147 Corporate 382 253 281
20 16 11 Mass market 506 470 476
11 14 28 Exposures secured on real property 120 154 136
272 279 264 Equity positions 513 400 408
99 100 94 Other assets 154 161 159
970 1,058 1,056 Total credit risk standardised approach 2,186 2,025 1,962
30 42 36 Debt risk 38 43 31
- - - Equity risk 22 9 18
- - - Currency risk and risk exposure for settlement/delivery 2 3 3
421 407 421 Operational risk 777 720 770
25 60 25 Credit value adjustment risk (CVA) 131 192 123
6,063 6,309 6,128 Minimum requirements subordinated capital 7,830 7,612 7,448
75,785 78,861 76,599 Risk weighted assets (RWA) 97,879 95,156 93,096
3,410 3,549 3,447 Minimum requirement on CET1 capital, 4.5 per cent 4,405 4,282 4,189
      Capital Buffers      
1,895 1,972 1,915 Capital conservation buffer, 2.5 per cent 2,447 2,379 2,327
3,410 2,366 3,447 Systemic risk buffer, 4.5 per cent (3.0 per cent) 4,405 2,855 4,189
758 789 766 Countercyclical buffer, 1.0 per cent (1.0 per cent) 979 952 931
6,063 5,126 6,128 Total buffer requirements on CET1 capital 7,830 6,185 7,448
5,687 6,409 5,790 Available CET1 capital after buffer requirements 5,436 6,243 5,404
      Capital adequacy      
20.0 % 19.1 % 20.1 % Common equity Tier 1 capital ratio 18.1 % 17.6 % 18.3 %
21.7 % 20.7 % 21.7 % Tier 1 capital ratio 19.7 % 19.2 % 20.0 %
23.8 % 22.7 % 23.7 % Capital ratio 21.8 % 21.4 % 22.3 %
      Leverage ratio      
178,219 179,304 189,698 Balance sheet items 270,700 252,366 256,978
6,190 7,518 12,601 Off-balance sheet items 11,887 8,333 7,514
-606 -617 -1,121 Regulatory adjustments -1,911 -1,543 -1,577
183,803 186,205 201,179 Calculation basis for leverage ratio 280,677 259,156 262,915
16,410 16,334 16,615 Core capital 19,265 18,290 18,636
8.9 % 8.8 % 8.3% Leverage Ratio 6.9% 7.1 % 7.1 %
© SpareBank 1 SMN