Cash flow statement



 Parent bank   Group  
  First half   First half  
2020 2020 2021 (NOKm) 2021 2020 2020
1,356 835 1,433 Net profit 1,523 1,008 1,978
102 52 49 Depreciations and write-downs on fixed assets 93 82 166
902 453 90 Losses on loans and guarantees 98 478 951
2,360 1,339 1,572 Net cash increase from ordinary operations 1,714 1,568 3,096
-4,093 -7,933 2,563 Decrease/(increase) other receivables 1,703 -8,388 -4,681
3,582 8,057 -2,751 Increase/(decrease) short term debt -2,083 7,736 3,896
-8,075 -4,091 -7,066 Decrease/(increase) loans to customers -7,347 -4,554 -8,795
-3,721 -3,670 -7,290 Decrease/(increase) loans credit institutions -7,103 -3,141 -2,981
11,296 8,001 12,587 Increase/(decrease) deposits to customers 12,604 8,372 11,611
5,045 6,175 1,361 Increase/(decrease) debt to credit institutions 1,196 4,992 4,242
-3,490 -5,840 -1,770 Increase/(decrease) in short term investments -1,769 -5,841 -3,491
2,905 2,037 -793 A) Net cash flow from operations -1,084 743 2,896
-38 -11 -35 Increase in tangible fixed assets -119 -34 -136
-418 -298 -197 Paid-up capital, associated companies -181 -377 -873
37 -101 -1 Net investments in long-term shares and partnerships 368 1,280 587
-420 -409 -233 B) Net cash flow from investments 69 869 -422
-295 -295 -0 Increase/(decrease) in subordinated loan capital -0 -294 -295
3 3 0 Increase/(decrease) in equity -10 16 14
-647 -647 -168 Dividend cleared -168 -647 -647
-364 -364 -95 Disbursed from gift fund -95 -364 -364
-56 -37 -29 Increase/(decrease) in Additional Tier 1 capital  -30 -38 -59
877 3,065 -276 Increase/(decrease) in other long term loans -276 3,068 880
-482 1,725 -568 C) Net cash flow from financial activities -579 1,741 -470
2,003 3,354 -1,595 A) + B) + C) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents -1,595 3,354 2,003
761 761 2,764 Cash and cash equivalents at 1.1 2,764 761 761
2,764 4,115 1,170 Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter 1,170 4,115 2,764
2,003 3,354 -1,595 Net changes in cash and cash equivalents -1,595 3,354 2,003






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