Note 3 - Account by business line

For the subsidiaries the figures refer to the respective company accounts, while for joint ventures incorporated by the equity method the Group’s profit share is stated, after tax, as well as book value of the investment at group level.

Group 30 June 2020
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM 1 SB1 Finans MN SB1 Regnskaps- huset SMN SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Uncollated Total
Net interest    537 560 -3 -0 171 -0 - - 111 1,376
Interest from allocated capital 85 59 - - - - - - -144 -
Total interest income 622 619 -3 -0 171 -0 -  -  -33 1,376
Commission income and other income 371 113 258 188 9 304 - - -48 1,177
Net return on financial investments **) -2 14 86 - - - -7 50 407 549
Total income   992 747 341 188 162 304 -7 50 325 3,102
Total operating expenses 471 217 286 158 45 237 - - 9 1,422
Ordinary operating profit 521 530 55 30 117 67 -7 50 316 1,680
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  42 410 - - 24 - - - 0 478
Result before tax including held for sale 478 119 55 30 93 67 -7 50 316 1,202
Post-tax return on equity*) 11.4 % 4.1 %               10.3 %
Loans and advances to customers 124,165 42,366 - - 9,310 - - - -742 175,100
Adv. of this sold to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -43,264 -1,308 - - - - - - 100 -44,473
Allowance for credit losses -146 -1,057 - - -59 - - - -4 -1,267
Other assets   199 8,518 2,267 327 18 580 1,950 1,441 45,823 61,124
Total assets    80,954 48,518 2,267 327 9,269 580 1,950 1,441 45,177 190,484
Deposits to customers   48,103 44,715 - - - - - - 1,470 94,289
Other liabilities and equity 32,850 3,803 2,267 327 9,269 580 1,950 1,441 43,707 96,195
Total liabilites and equity 80,954 48,518 2,267 327 9,269 580 1,950 1,441 45,177 190,484



Group 30 June 2019
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM 1 SB1 Finans
huset SMN
SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Un-
Net interest   561 503 -9 -1 152 -1 - - 107 1,313
Interest from allocated capital 103 73 - - - - - - -176 -
Total interest income 664 576 -9 -1 152 -1 -  -  -69 1,313
Commission income and other income 385 100 264 277 36 291 - - -195 1,157
Net return on financial investments **) 0 5 58 - - - 224 49 727 1,063
Total income  1,049 681 313 276 187 291 224 49 464 3,533
Total operating expenses 431 207 284 262 92 229 - - -100 1,404
Ordinary operating profit 618 475 29 14 95 62 224 49 564 2,129
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  11 93 - - 21 - - - 2 126
Result before tax including held for sale 606 382 29 14 74 62 224 49 563 2,003
Post-tax return on equity*) 13.8 % 11.8 %               19.0 %
Loans and advances to customers 115,289 38,422 - - 8,429 - - - 1,486 163,627
Adv. of this sold to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -40,193 -1,539 - - - - - - 0 -41,732
Allowance for credit losses -108 -707 - - -50 - - - -4 -870
Other assets  232 6,198 2,935 1,949 24 531 1,562 1,367 31,466 46,264
Total assets   75,220 42,374 2,935 1,949 8,403 531 1,562 1,367 32,948 167,289
Deposits to customers  42,795 42,374 - - - - - - 1,384 86,553
Other liabilities and equity 32,425 0 2,935 1,949 8,403 531 1,562 1,367 31,564 80,736
Total liabilites and equity 75,220 42,374 2,935 1,949 8,403 531 1,562 1,367 32,948 167,289


Group 31 December 2019                    
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB 1 Markets EM 1 SB 1 Finans MN SB 1
Regnskaps huset SMN
SB 1
BN Bank Un-
Net interest 1,160 1,024 -17 -1 313 -0 - - 207 2,687
Interest from allocated capital 211 147 - - - - - - -358 -
Total interest income 1,372 1,171 -17 -1 313 -0 -  -  -151 2,687
Commission income and other income 805 205 509 540 73 502 - - -345 2,290
Net return on financial investments **) 0 12 117 - - - 252 107 714 1,201
Total income  2,177 1,388 609 540 386 502 252 107 218 6,178
Total operating expenses 875 410 566 538 184 394 - - -169 2,797
Ordinary operating profit 1,302 978 43 1 202 108 252 107 386 3,380
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  32 213 - - 52 - - - 2 299
Result before tax including held for sale 1,279 838 43 1 150 108 252 107 384 3,081
Post-tax return on equity*) 13.1 % 11.7%               13.7 %
Loans and advances to customers 119,381 40,162 - - 8,897 - - - -663 167,777
Adv. of this sold to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -40,122 -1,378 - - - - - - -0 -41,500
Allowance for credit losses -119 -819 - - -56 - - - -4 -998
Other assets  220 5,495 3,669 309 21 527 1,609 1,425 28,109 41,384
Total assets 79,360 43,460 3,669 309 8,861 527 1,609 1,425 27,442 166,662
Deposits to customers  41,639 42,756 - - - - - - 1,522 85,917
Other liabilities and equity 37,721 704 3,669 309 8,861 527 1,609 1,425 25,920 80,745
Total liabilites and equity 79,360 43,460 3,669 309 8,861 527 1,609 1,425 27,442 166,662

 *) Calculation of capital employed in Retail Banking and Corporate Banking is based on regulatory capital. This capital is grossed up to 15.4 percent to be in line with the capital plan during the year

**) Specification of net return on financial investments (NOKm) 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 31 Dec 2019
Dividends 10 13 15
Gain/(loss) on financial instruments related to hedging -6 107 120
Capital gains shares  174 47 -20
Gain/(loss) on sertificates and bonds -97 63 132
Gain/(loss) on derivatives -3 -5 -9
Gain/(loss) on other financial instruments at fair value (FVO) -11 6 9
Foreign exchange gain/(loss) 68 23 22
Gain/(loss) om shares and share derivatives at SpareBank 1 Markets 21 23 54
Net return on financial instruments 145 264 307
SpareBank 1 Gruppen -7 224 252
Gain Fremtind Forsikring 340 460 460
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  10 22 26
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 9 10 21
BN Bank 50 51 113
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort 2 8 13
SpareBank 1 Betaling -2 10 3
Other companies -9 1 -8
Income from investment in associates and joint ventures 394 786 879
Total net return on financial investments 549 1.063 1.201
Fair value hedging      
Changes in fair value on hedging instrument 492 -224 -66
Changes in fair value on hedging item -495 219 56
Net Gain or Loss from hedge accounting -3 -5 -9



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