Note 3 - Account by business line

For the subsidiaries the figures refer to the respective company accounts, while for joint ventures incorporated by the equity method the Group’s profit share is stated, after tax, as well as book value of the investment at group level.

Group 30 September 2020
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM
huset SMN
SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Un-collated Total
Net interest  823 828 -11 1 271 0 - - 159 2,071
Interest from allocated capital 103 68 - - - - - - -172 -
Total interest income 926 896 -11 1 271 0 -  -  -13 2,071
Commission income and other income 612 166 412 300 -16 415 - - -75 1,815
Net return on financial investments **) -3 17 109 - - - 107 84 439 754
Total income 1,536 1,079 511 300 255 415 107 84 352 4,640
Total operating expenses 704 321 421 251 67 327 - - 16 2,107
Ordinary operating profit 832 758 90 50 188 88 107 84 336 2,532
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  58 614 - - 36 - - - 1 709
Result before tax including held for sale 773 144 90 50 152 88 107 84 335 1,823
Post-tax return on equity*) 12.6 % 3.4 %               10.4 %
Loans and advances to customers 126,939 43,700 - - 9,531 - - - -748 179,423
Adv. of this sold to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -44,447 -1,436 - - - - - - 100 -45,782
Allowance for credit losses -154 -1,235 - - -65 - - - -4 -1,457
Other assets 197 8,457 2,747 355 51 568 2,061 1,477 38,802 54,716
Total assets  82,536 49,487 2,747 355 9,518 568 2,061 1,477 38,151 186,900
Deposits to customers 47,574 46,404 - - - - - - 1,413 95,391
Other liabilities and equity 34,962 3,084 2,747 355 9,518 568 2,061 1,477 36,737 91,509
Total liabilites and equity 82,536 49,487 2,747 355 9,518 568 2,061 1,477 38,151 186,900


Group 30 September 2019
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1
EM 1 SB1
Regnskaps huset SMN
SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Un-
Net interest  862 757 -13 -1 231 -1 - - 156 1,991
Interest from allocated capital 153 107 - - - - - - -260 -
Total interest income 1,015 864 -13 -1 231 -1 -  -  -104 1,991
Commission income and other income 597 148 376 297 -20 391 - - -77 1,711
Net return on financial investments **) 0 9 89 - - - 264 79 744 1,185
Total income 1,612 1,021 452 196 210 390 264 79 563 4,886
Total operating expenses 654 307 412 288 62 309 - - 45 2,077
Ordinary operating profit 958 714 39 8 148 81 264 79 518 2,809
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  23 140 - - 33 - - - 3 198
Result before tax including held for sale 936 575 39 8 115 81 264 79 516 2,612
Post-tax return on equity*) 13.7 % 11.8%               16.0 %
Loans and advances to customers 116,882 40,502 - - 8,710 - - - -714 165,380
Adv. of this sold to SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt -40,006 -1,408 - - - - - - -0 -41,414
Allowance for credit losses -117 -756 - - -52 - - - -5 -930
Other assets 214 5,876 3,145 446 22 519 1,603 1,397 30,215 43,438
Total assets  76,974 44,214 3,145 446 8,680 519 1,603 1,397 29,496 166,475
  - - - -   - - - - -
Deposits to customers 41,674 40,542 - - - - - - 1,424 83,641
Other liabilities and equity 35,300 3,671 3,145 446 8,680 519 1,603 1,397 28,072 82,834
Total liabilites and equity 76,974 44,214 3,145 446 8,680 519 1,603 1,397 29,496 166,475


Group 31 December 2019                    
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB 1 Markets EM
huset SMN
SB 1
BN Bank Un-
Net interest 1,160 1,024 -17 -1 313 -0 - - 207 2,687
Interest from allocated capital 211 147 - - - - - - -358 -
Total interest income 1,372 1,171 -17 -1 313 -0 -  -  -151 2,687
Commission income and other income 805 205 509 390 73 502 - - -195 2,290
Net return on financial investments **) 0 12 117 - - - 252 107 714 1,201
Total income  2,177 1,388 609 390 386 502 252 107 368 6,178
Total operating expenses 875 410 566 388 184 394 - - -19 2,797
Ordinary operating profit 1,302 978 43 1 202 108 252 107 386 3,380
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  32 213 - - 52 - - - 2 299
Result before tax including held for sale 1,270 765 43 1 150 108 252 107 384 3,081
Post-tax return on equity*) 13.1 % 11.7%               13.7 %
Loans and advances to customers 119,381 40,162 - - 8,897 - - - -663 167,777
Adv. of this sold to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -40,122 -1,378 - - - - - - -0 -41,500
Allowance for credit losses -119 -819 - - -56 - - - -4 -998
Other assets  220 5,495 3,669 309 21 527 1,609 1,425 28,109 41,384
Total assets 79,360 43,460 3,669 309 8,861 527 1,609 1,425 27,442 166,662
Deposits to customers  41,639 42,756 - - - - - - 1,522 85,917
Other liabilities and equity 37,721 704 3,669 309 8,861 527 1,609 1,425 25,920 80,745
Total liabilites and equity 79,360 43,460 3,669 309 8,861 527 1,609 1,425 27,442 166,662


*) Calculation of capital employed in Retail Banking and Corporate Banking is based on regulatory capital. This capital is grossed up to 15.0 percent to be in line with the capital plan
**) Specification of net return on financial investments (NOKm) 30 Sept 2020 30 Sept  2019 31 Dec 2019
Dividends 12 14 15
Gain/(loss) on financial instruments related to hedging -2 108 120
Capital gains shares  166 22 -20
Gain/(loss) on sertificates and bonds -78 92 132
Gain/(loss) on derivatives 0 -1 -9
Gain/(loss) on other financial instruments at fair value (FVO) -14 10 9
Foreign exchange gain/(loss) 79 32 22
Gain/(loss) om shares and share derivatives at SpareBank 1 Markets 26 36 54
Net return on financial instruments 177 300 307
SpareBank 1 Gruppen 107 264 252
Gain Fremtind Forsikring 340 460 460
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  22 26 26
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 14 15 21
BN Bank 84 84 113
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort 2 13 13
SpareBank 1 Betaling -3 7 3
Other companies -1 2 -8
Income from investment in associates and joint ventures 564 871 879
Total net return on financial investments 754 1,185 1,201
Fair value hedging      
Changes in fair value on hedging instrument 502 -250 -66
Changes in fair value on hedging item -502 249 56
Net Gain or Loss from hedge accounting 0 -1 -9
© SpareBank 1 SMN