Note 9 - Distribution of customer deposits by sector/industry

Parent Bank   Group
31.12.19 30.09.19 30.09.20 (NOKm) 30.09.20 30.09.19 31.12.19
3,064 3,074 3,119 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, hunting 3,119 3,074 3,064
645 713 1,219 Sea farming industries 1,219 713 645
1,582 1,399 1,738 Manufacturing 1,738 1,399 1,582
3,363 3,063 3,510 Construction, power and water supply 3,510 3,063 3,363
4,197 3,589 4,801 Retail trade, hotels and restaurants 4,801 3,589 4,197
1,059 1,088 1,087 Maritime sector 1,087 1,088 1,059
5,027 5,622 6,411 Property management 6,340 5,319 4,718
7,643 7,449 8,775 Business services 8,775 7,449 7,643
8,186 8,020 8,657 Transport and other services provision 8,297 7,442 7,819
13,162 11,595 12,338 Public administration 12,338 11,595 13,162
3,278 3,869 3,757 Other sectors 3,623 3,567 3,001
51,206 49,479 55,412 Total 54,847 48,298 50,253
35,664 35,343 40,544 Wage earners 40,544 35,343 35,664
86,870 84,822 95,956 Total deposits  95,391 83,641 85,917
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