Cash flow statement


Parent bank   Group
  First half   First half  
2022 2022 2023 (NOKm) 2023 2022 2022
2,494 1,443 1,843  Net profit  1,701 1,400 2,785
77 38 71  Depreciations and write-downs on fixed assets  63 58 117
-37 -57 -73  Losses on loans and guarantees  -42 -48 -7
-324 -252 -360  Adjustments for undistributed profits of related companies  -209 -139 -443
-2,420 -1,035 741  Other adjustments  773 -1,127 -2,436
-210 136 2,222  Net cash increase from ordinary operations  2,286 144 16
-4,626 -3,423 -1,605  Decrease/(increase) other receivables  -1,818 -3,966 -4,193
5,155 3,702 1,964  Increase/(decrease) short term debt  2,407 3,814 5,136
-3,739 -989 -3,440  Decrease/(increase) loans to customers  -3,833 -1,664 -5,643
-8,782 -7,251 -7,432  Decrease/(increase) loans credit institutions  -7,138 -6,432 -6,959
10,672 12,339 7,956  Increase/(decrease) deposits to customers  8,160 12,526 10,724
294 1,371 57  Increase/(decrease) debt to credit institutions  57 1,478 -429
-7,310 -2,131 149  Increase/(decrease) in short term investments  149 -2,132 -7,311
- - -  Increase/(decrease) in shares held for trading  - - 1,821
-8,546 3,754 -129  A) Net cash flow from operations  271 3,769 -6,837
 -   -  35  Increase in cash and cash equivalents by merging  35 - -
-71 -42 -24  Increase in tangible fixed assets  -142 -82 -89
-18 - -  Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment  - - 276
- - -  Cash flows from losing control of subsidiaries or other businesses  - - -
-5 -0 -  Cash flows used in obtaining control of subsidiaries or other businesses  - 202 -1,815
324 252 360  Dividends received from investments in related companies  360 252 324
6 6 -  Other cash receipts from sales of interests in associates and joint ventures  3 6 6
-479 -92 -88  Other cash payments to acquire interests in associates and joint ventures  -88 -117 -492
813 266 942  Other cash receipts from sales of equity instruments of other entities  940 302 849
-835 -239 -974  Other cash payments to acquire equity instruments of other entities  -979 -246 -846
-265 151 251  B) Net cash flow from investments  130 317 -1,788
1,000 1,000 995  Increase in subordinated loan capital  995 1,000 1,000
-750 -684 -558  Decrease in subordinated loan capital  -558 -684 -750
-0 -0 -  Purchase of treasury shares  -206 -18 -21
- - 2  Proceeds from sale or issue of treasury shares  - - -
-970 -970 -840  Dividend cleared  -840 -970 -970
- - -  Dividends paid to non-controlling interests  -65 -162 -162
-547 -547 -474  Disbursed from gift fund  -474 -547 -547
- - 116  Additional Tier 1 capital issued  111 - -
476 - -76  Repayments of Additional Tier 1 Capital  -76 - 476
-60 -32 -58  Interest payments Additional Tier 1 Capital  -60 -33 -63
16,194 6,720 2,270  Increase in other long term loans  2,270 6,720 16,194
-6,613 -4,961 -2,051  Decrease in other long term loans  -2,051 -4,961 -6,613
8,729 527 -674  C) Net cash flow from financial activities  -953 345 8,544
-81 4,432 -553  A) + B) + C) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents  -553 4,432 -81
1,252 1,252 1,171  Cash and cash equivalents at 1.1  1,171 1,252 1,252
1,171 5,684 619  Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter  619 5,684 1,171
-81 4,432 -553  Net changes in cash and cash equivalents  -553 4,432 -81
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