Cash flow statement

  Parent bank   Group  
  January - September   January - September  
2022 2022 2023 (NOKm) 2023 2022 2022
2,494 1,930 2,483  Net profit  2,441 2,017 2,785
77 57 116  Depreciations and write-downs on fixed assets  106 83 117
-37 -45 -45  Losses on loans and guarantees  -6 -26 -7
-324 -252 -391  Adjustments for undistributed profits of related companies  -207 -248 -443
-2,420 -993 1,320  Other adjustments  1,344 -1,032 -2,436
-210 697 3,483  Net cash increase from ordinary operations  3,678 795 16
-4,626 -5,643 -2,714  Decrease/(increase) other receivables  -2,876 -6,144 -4,193
5,155 5,013 3,997  Increase/(decrease) short term debt  4,455 4,792 5,136
-3,739 -1,913 -5,488  Decrease/(increase) loans to customers  -5,958 -3,243 -5,643
-8,782 -13,406 -0  Decrease/(increase) loans credit institutions  308 -12,069 -6,959
10,672 9,120 6,180  Increase/(decrease) deposits to customers  6,227 9,272 10,724
294 -626 -1,774  Increase/(decrease) debt to credit institutions  -1,774 -569 -429
-7,310 202 1,667  Increase/(decrease) in short term investments  1,667 201 -7,311
- - -  Increase/(decrease) in shares held for trading  - - 1,821
-8,546 -6,557 5,349  A) Net cash flow from operations  5,727 -6,966 -6,837
 -   -  35  Increase in cash and cash equivalents by merger 35 - -
-71 -64 -79  Increase in tangible fixed assets  -206 -109 -89
-18 - -  Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment  - - 276
-5 -0 -  Cash flows used in obtaining control of subsidiaries or other businesses  - 637 -1,815
324 252 391  Dividends received from investments in related companies  391 252 324
6 6 -  Other cash receipts from sales of interests in associates and joint ventures  3 6 6
-479 -92 -127  Other cash payments to acquire interests in associates and joint ventures  -130 -117 -492
813 551 942  Other cash receipts from sales of equity instruments of other entities  950 587 849
-835 -549 -974  Other cash payments to acquire equity instruments of other entities  -990 -557 -846
-265 104 189  B) Net cash flow from investments  54 698 -1,788
1,000 1,000 750  Increase in subordinated loan capital  750 1,000 1,000
-750 -750 -558  Decrease in subordinated loan capital  -558 -750 -750
-0 -0 -  Purchase of treasury shares  -169 -21 -21
- - 3  Proceeds from sale or issue of treasury shares  - - -
-970 -970 -840  Dividend cleared  -840 -970 -970
- - -  Dividends paid to non-controlling interests  -65 -162 -162
-547 -547 -474  Disbursed from gift fund  -474 -547 -547
- - 116  Additional Tier 1 capital issued  111 - -
476 - -342  Repayments of Additional Tier 1 Capital  -342 - 476
-60 -44 -84  Interest payments Additional Tier 1 Capital  -86 -45 -63
16,194 13,225 5,080  Increase in other long term loans  5,080 13,225 16,194
-6,613 -6,397 -9,173  Decrease in other long term loans  -9,173 -6,397 -6,613
8,729 5,517 -5,522  C) Net cash flow from financial activities  -5,765 5,332 8,544
-81 -935 16  A) + B) + C) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents  16 -935 -81
1,252 1,252 1,171  Cash and cash equivalents at 1.1  1,171 1,252 1,252
1,171 317 1,187  Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter  1,187 317 1,171
-81 -935 16  Net changes in cash and cash equivalents  16 -935 -81
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