Note 9 - Distribution of customer deposits by sector/industry


Parent Bank   Group
31 Dec 21 30 Sep 21 30 Sep 22 (NOKm) 30 Sep 22 30 Sep 21 31 Dec 21
1,958 2,247 2,286 Agriculture and forestry 2,286 2,247 1,958
991 964 1,285 Fisheries and hunting 1,285 964 991
1,050 915 685 Sea farming industries 685 915 1,050
2,562 2,297 3,149 Manufacturing 3,149 2,297 2,562
5,535 5,293 6,423 Construction, power and water supply 6,423 5,293 5,535
6,649 5,436 5,138 Retail trade, hotels and restaurants 5,138 5,436 6,649
1,006 1,102 1,071 Maritime sector 1,071 1,102 1,006
5,692 6,170 6,560 Property management 6,495 6,112 5,635
11,469 11,534 13,416 Business services 13,416 11,534 11,469
9,247 9,494 9,007 Transport and other services provision 8,521 9,057 8,750
16,826 16,300 20,624 Public administration 20,624 16,300 16,826
4,453 4,610 3,836 Other sectors 3,797 4,468 4,267
67,439 66,362 73,482 Total 72,892 65,725 66,697
44,589 43,967 47,666 Wage earners 47,666 43,967 44,589
112,028 110,328 121,148 Total deposits  120,558 109,691 111,286
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