Note 8 - Gross loans



  30 Sep 22 30 Sep 21 31 Dec 21
Parent Bank (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Retail Market                        
Opening balance 82,299 3,892 444 86,636 73,297 4,430 381 78,108 73,297 4,430 381 78,108
Transfer to stage 1 1,164 -1,148 -16 - 1,216 -1,212 -4 - 1,007 -1,002 -6 -
Transfer to stage 2 -1,133 1,142 -9 - -1,009 1,012 -3 - -1,325 1,332 1 -
Transfer to stage 3 -25 -96 121 - -50 -77 127 - -61 -87 148 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -2,241 -90 -14 -2,345 -2,228 -72 -20 -2,319 -2,513 -102 -15 -2,630
New loans 31,416 695 87 32,197 35,597 721 70 36,388 43,464 1,198 118 44,780
Derecognitions -31,882 -1,230 -113 -33,226 -26,274 -1,532 -128 -27,935 -31,569 -1,876 -156 -33,601
Financial assets with actual loan losses 0 -1 -9 -10 -0 -1 -16 -17 -0 -1 -20 -21
Closing balance 79,599 3,163 490 83,253 80,549 3,268 408 84,225 82,299 3,892 444 86,636
Corporate Market                        
Opening balance 38,359 5,186 2,656 46,201 35,587 5,979 1,702 43,268 35,587 5,979 1,702 43,268
Transfer to stage 1 978 -963 -15 - 414 -414 - - 647 -647 -0 -
Transfer to stage 2 -1,593 2,463 -869 - -690 690 -0 - -1,434 1,434 - -
Transfer to stage 3 -64 -73 137 - -16 -594 609 - -43 -593 637 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -274 -152 49 -377 -963 -162 -27 -1,152 -1,202 -196 -39 -1,437
New loans 12,908 1,016 93 14,017 9,799 110 1,305 11,214 13,125 -550 1,074 13,649
Derecognitions -7,590 -912 -504 -9,006 -6,431 -745 -711 -7,888 -8,320 -236 -524 -9,081
Financial assets with actual loan losses -2 -5 -59 -66 0 0 -21 -21 -1 -4 -193 -199
Closing balance 42,721 6,560 1,489 50,770 37,699 4,865 2,856 45,420 38,359 5,186 2,656 46,201
Fixed interest loans at FV 4,718     4,718 4,367     4,367 4,276 - - 4,276
Total gross loans at the end of the period 127,039 9,723 1,979 138,740 122,615 8,133 3,264 134,013 124,934 9,079 3,100 137,113
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  30 Sep 22 30 Sep 21 31 Dec 21
Group (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Retail Market                        
Opening balance 87,577 4,612 531 92,721 78,206 5,208 453 83,867 78,206 5,208 453 83,867
Transfer to stage 1 1,358 -1,341 -17 - 1,418 -1,413 -4 - 1,227 -1,221 -6 -
Transfer to stage 2 -1,447 1,462 -15 - -1,245 1,253 -7 - -1,598 1,609 -11 -
Transfer to stage 3 -31 -126 157 - -59 -119 178 - -74 -132 206 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -1,956 -134 -20 -2,110 -2,254 -106 -29 -2,388 -2,599 -154 -28 -2,782
New loans 33,803 912 92 34,807 37,915 892 74 38,881 46,190 1,465 125 47,781
Derecognitions -33,780 -1,427 -131 -35,338 -28,197 -1,772 -142 -30,111 -33,775 -2,161 -189 -36,125
Financial assets with actual loan losses -0 -1 -9 -10 -0 -1 -16 -17 -0 -1 -20 -21
Closing balanse 85,524 3,958 587 90,070 85,785 3,941 507 90,233 87,577 4,612 531 92,721
Corporate Market                        
Opening balance 41,855 5,768 2,759 50,382 38,107 6,587 1,802 46,496 38,107 6,587 1,802 46,496
Transfer to stage 1 1,224 -1,184 -40 - 649 -646 -3 - 879 -876 -2 -
Transfer to stage 2 -1,862 2,739 -877 - -985 987 -3 - -1,795 1,797 -1 -
Transfer to stage 3 -75 -92 167 - -26 -617 643 - -57 -626 683 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -301 -202 45 -457 -480 -198 -33 -711 -652 -257 -53 -963
New loans 14,284 1,079 108 15,471 10,685 179 1,306 12,170 14,533 -455 1,085 15,164
Derecognitions -8,225 -1,016 -552 -9,793 -6,936 -875 -751 -8,562 -9,159 -397 -561 -10,117
Financial assets with actual loan losses -2 -5 -59 -66 0 0 -21 -21 -1 -4 -193 -199
Closing balance 46,897 7,087 1,551 55,536 41,014 5,416 2,941 49,372 41,855 5,768 2,759 50,382
Fixed interest loans at FV 4,640     4,640 4,367     4,367 4,198     4,198
Total gross loans at the end of the period 137,062 11,046 2,139 150,247 131,166 9,357 3,448 143,972 133,630 10,381 3,290 147,301
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