Note 4 - Capital adequacy

Capital adequacy is calculated and reported in accordance with the EU capital requirements regulations for banks and investment firms (CRR/CRD IV). SpareBank 1 SMN utilises the Internal Rating Based Approach (IRB) for credit risk. Advanced IRB Apporoach is used for the corporate portfolios. Use of IRB imposes wide-ranging requirements on the bank’s organisational set-up, competence, risk models and risk management systems.

As of 30 September 2022 the overall minimum requirement on CET1 capital is 13.0 per cent. The capital conservation buffer requirement is 2.5 per cent, the systemic risk requirement for Norwegian IRB-banks is 4.5 per cent and the Norwegian countercyclical buffer is 1.5 per cent. These requirements are additional to the requirement of 4.5 per cent CET1 capital. In addition the financial supervisory authority has set a Pillar 2 requirement of 1.9 per cent for SpareBank 1 SMN, however not below NOK 1,794 million in monetary terms.  From 30 April 2022, SpareBank 1 SMN has received a new Pillar 2 requirement. The rate of 1.9 per cent is unchanged, but in addition the bank must have an additional 0.7 per cent in Pillar 2 requirements until the application for modeling has been processed. The Norwegian countercyclical buffer will rise to 1.5 per cent with effect from 30 June 2022, and to 2.0 per cent from 31 December 2022.

Under the CRR/CRDIV regulations the average risk weighting of exposures secured on residential property in Norway cannot be lower than 20 per cent. As of 30 September 2022 an adjustment was made in both the parent bank and the group to bring the average risk weight up to 20 per cent. This is presented in the note together with ‘mass market exposure, property’ under ‘credit risk IRB’.

The systemic risk buffer stands at 4.5 per cent for the Norwegian exposures. For exposures in other countries, the particular country’s systemic buffer rate shall be employed. As of 30 September 2022 the effective rate for the parent bank and for the group is accordingly 4.4 per cent.

The countercyclical buffer is calculated using differentiated rates. For exposures in other countries the countercyclical buffer rate set by the authorities in the country concerned is applied. If that country has not set a rate, the same rate as for exposures in Norway is applied unless the Ministry of Finance sets another rate. As of 30 September 2022 both the parent bank and the group is below the capital deduction threshold such that the Norwegian rate is applied to all relevant exposures.


Parent Bank   Group
31 Dec 21 30 Sep 21 30 Sep 22 (NOKm) 30 Sep 22 30 Sep 21 31 Dec 21
19,356 19,629 19,852 Total book equity 23,863 23,077 23,241
-1,250 -1,211 -1,206 Additional Tier 1 capital instruments included in total equity -1,247 -1,252 -1,293
-458 -500 -465 Deferred taxes, goodwill and other intangible assets -955 -1,040 -961
-1,517 -627 - Deduction for allocated dividends and gifts - -627 -1,517
- - - Non-controlling interests recognised in other equity capital -913 -848 -989
- - - Non-controlling interests eligible for inclusion in CET1 capital 701 504 568
- -1,841 -1,930 Net profit -2,017 -2,199 -
- 723 900 Year-to-date profit included in core capital (50 per cent (50 per cent) pre tax of group profit) 986 1,079 -
-41 -40 -51 Value adjustments due to requirements for prudent valuation -68 -52 -56
-495 -581 -141 Positive value of adjusted expected loss under IRB Approach -213 -616 -560
- - Cash flow hedge reserve -5 5 3
-202 -187 -219 Deduction for common equity Tier 1 capital in significant investments in financial institutions -449 -360 -648
15,393 15,365 16,739 Common equity Tier 1 capital 19,683 17,671 17,790
1,250 1,250 1,250 Additional Tier 1 capital instruments 1,615 1,594 1,581
-48 - -46 Deduction for significant investments in financial institutions -46 - -48
16,595 16,615 17,943 Tier 1 capital 21,252 19,265 19,322
-     Supplementary capital in excess of core capital      
1,750 1,750 2,000 Subordinated capital 2,502 2,247 2,226
-214 -174 -208 Deduction for significant investments in financial institutions -208 -174 -214
1,536 1,576 1,792 Additional Tier 2 capital instruments 2,294 2,072 2,011
18,130 18,190 19,735 Total eligible capital 23,546 21,338 21,333
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      Minimum requirements subordinated capital      
1,049 1,074 1,123 Specialised enterprises 1,315 1,254 1,248
1,016 955 945 Corporate 965 968 1,030
1,400 1,415 1,352 Mass market exposure, property 2,433 2,348 2,384
93 100 101 Other mass market 104 103 95
1,000 1,045 1,201 Equity positions IRB - 1 1
4,558 4,590 4,722 Total credit risk IRB 4,817 4,675 4,758
3 3 6 Central government 6 4 4
106 130 92 Covered bonds 136 151 133
398 379 361 Institutions 248 324 299
1 - 117 Local and regional authorities, state-owned enterprises 132 31 29
188 147 224 Corporate 446 382 432
7 11 14 Mass market 653 506 466
25 28 29 Exposures secured on real property 111 120 128
279 264 90 Equity positions 503 513 521
92 94 87 Other assets 154 154 142
1,098 1,056 1,020 Total credit risk standardised approach 2,390 2,186 2,154
35 36 39 Debt risk 41 38 36
- - Equity risk 16 22 34
- - Currency risk and risk exposure for settlement/delivery 17 2 1
433 421 433 Operational risk 810 777 817
26 25 31 Credit value adjustment risk (CVA) 98 131 93
6,150 6,128 6,245 Minimum requirements subordinated capital 8,189 7,830 7,893
76,873 76,599 78,063 Risk weighted assets (RWA) 102,367 97,879 98,664
3,459 3,447 3,513 Minimum requirement on CET1 capital, 4.5 per cent 4,607 4,405 4,440
      Capital Buffers      
1,922 1,915 1,952 Capital conservation buffer, 2.5 per cent 2,559 2,447 2,467
3,459 3,447 3,513 Systemic risk buffer, 4.5 per cent  4,607 4,405 4,440
769 766 1,171 Countercyclical buffer, 1.0 per cent 1,536 979 987
6,150 6,128 6,635 Total buffer requirements on CET1 capital 8,701 7,830 7,893
5,784 5,790 6,591 Available CET1 capital after buffer requirements 6,375 5,436 5,457
      Capital adequacy      
20.0 % 20.1 % 21.4 % Common equity Tier 1 capital ratio 19.2 % 18.1 % 18.0 %
21.6 % 21.7 % 23.0 % Tier 1 capital ratio 20.8 % 19.7 % 19.6 %
23.6 % 23.7 % 25.3 % Capital ratio 23.0 % 21.8 % 21.6 %
      Leverage ratio      
191,697 189,698 197,794 Balance sheet items 283,339 270,700 269,857
10,782 12,601 6,811 Off-balance sheet items 8,100 11,887 11,341
-1,042 -1,121 -923 Regulatory adjustments -1,736 -1,911 -2,110
201,437 201,179 203,682 Calculation basis for leverage ratio 289,703 280,677 279,088
16,595 16,615 17,943 Core capital 21,252 19,265 19,322
8.2 % 8.3 % 8.8 % Leverage Ratio 7.3 % 6.9 % 6.9 %
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