Note 3 - Account by business line

For the subsidiaries the figures refer to the respective company accounts, while for joint ventures incorporated by the equity method the Group’s profit share is stated, after tax, as well as book value of the investment at group level.

Group 30 September 2022                  
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM 1 SB 1 Finans MN SB 1 Regnskaps-huset SMN Other Uncollated Total
Net interest 930 977 4 4 339 1 - 116 2,370
Interest from allocated capital 85 69 - - - - - -155 -
Total interest income 1,015 1,047 4 4 339 1 - -39 2,370
Comission income and other income 620 206 461 324 -78 467 - -79 1,921
Net return on financial investments *) -3 7 78 8 -18 - 265 89 427
Total income 1,631 1,260 543 336 243 468 265 -28 4,718
Total operating expenses 705 348 426 271 83 392 - -17 2,208
Ordinary operating profit 926 913 117 64 160 76 265 -11 2,511
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  2 -47 - - 20 - - -0 -26
Result before tax 924 959 117 64 141 76 265 -11 2,536
Group 30 September 2021                  
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM 1 SB 1 Finans MN SB 1 Regnskaps-huset SMN Other Uncollated Total
Net interest 840 826 -3 1 340 -0 - 69 2,073
Interest from allocated capital 19 2 - - - - - -21 -
Total interest income 859 828 -3 1 340 -0 - 47 2,073
Comission income and other income 682 178 611 342 -67 439 - -23 2,161
Net return on financial investments *) 2 10 81 10 -2 - 521 186 808
Total income 1,542 1,016 689 353 271 439 521 210 5,042
Total operating expenses 673 325 486 282 106 357 - -2 2,228
Ordinary operating profit 869 691 203 71 165 82 521 212 2,814
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  -11 125 - - 13 - - 1 129
Result before tax 880 566 203 71 151 82 521 212 2,685
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Group 31 December 21
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM 1 SB 1 Finans MN SB 1 Regnskaps-huset SMN Other Uncollated Total
Net interest 1,128 1,106 -7 2 450 0 - 117 2,796
Interest from allocated capital 37 14 - - - - - -52 -
Total interest income 1,165 1,120 -7 2 450 0 - 66 2,796
Comission income and other income 906 251 782 441 -90 562 - -20 2,832
Net return on financial investments *) 2 15 126 10 4 - 701 168 1,026
Total income 2,074 1,386 901 453 364 562 701 214 6,655
Total operating expenses 916 446 647 382 141 477 - -16 2,993
Ordinary operating profit 1,157 940 254 71 224 85 701 230 3,662
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  -10 145 - - 25 - - 1 161
Result before tax 1,167 795 254 71 198 85 701 229 3,501
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*) Specification of other (NOKm) 30 Sep 22 30 Sep 21 31 Dec 21
SpareBank 1 Gruppen 46 298 471
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  2 18 16
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 2 6 7
BN Bank 149 122 164
SpareBank 1 Kreditt 9 11 13
SpareBank 1 Betaling -9 -4 -15
SpareBank 1 Forvaltning 28 20 32
Other companies 38 49 13
Income from investment in associates and joint ventures 265 521 701
SpareBank 1 Mobilitet Holding -18 -2 4
Net income from investment in associates and joint ventures 248 519 705
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