Note 5 - Distribution of loans by sector/industry


Parent Bank   Group
31 Dec 21 30 Sep 21 30 Sep 22 (NOKm) 30 Sep 22 30 Sep 21 31 Dec 21
9,433 9,205 9,975 Agriculture and forestry 10,389 9,546 9,783
5,853 5,851 6,994 Fisheries and hunting 7,016 5,869 5,870
1,926 1,843 2,251 Sea farming industries 2,507 2,093 2,176
2,151 2,203 2,237 Manufacturing 2,833 2,835 2,766
3,169 2,884 4,298 Construction, power and water supply 5,436 3,825 4,124
2,572 2,320 2,889 Retail trade, hotels and restaurants 3,471 2,662 2,966
4,715 5,237 5,313 Maritime sector 5,313 5,237 4,715
16,924 16,724 18,392 Property management 18,501 16,839 17,044
4,497 4,083 3,869 Business services 4,530 4,500 4,990
5,714 5,433 5,756 Transport and other services provision 6,721 6,367 6,667
2 2 104 Public administration 139 35 34
1,383 1,392 1,673 Other sectors 1,619 1,339 1,325
58,337 57,176 63,752 Gross loans in Corporate market 68,473 61,147 62,458
126,828 124,841 133,641 Wage earners 140,426 130,828 132,894
185,165 182,017 197,393 Gross loans incl. SB1 Boligkreditt /SB1 Næringskreditt 208,900 191,976 195,353
46,650 46,675 57,051 of which SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt 57,051 46,675 46,650
1,402 1,329 1,601 of which SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 1,601 1,329 1,402
137,113 134,013 138,740 Total Gross loans to and receivables from customers 150,247 143,972 147,301
1,250 1,411 921 - Loan loss allowance on amortised cost loans 993 1,472 1,313
97 95 92 - Loan loss allowance on loans at FVOCI 92 95 97
135,766 132,507 137,727 Net loans to and receivables from customers 149,162 142,404 145,890
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