Note 5 - Distribution of loans by sector/industry

Parent Bank   Group
31 Dec 2015 30 Sept 2015 30 Sept 2016 (NOKm) 30 Sept 2016 30 Sept 2015 31 Dec 2015
8,515 8,159 9,419 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, hunting 9,607 8,313 8,674
1,485 1,297 1,359 Sea farming industries 1,738 1,581 1,807
2,387 2,224 2,692 Manufacturing 2,977 2,517 2,675
3,141 3,232 3,160 Construction, power and water supply 3,684 3,707 3,598
2,482 2,768 2,276 Retail trade, hotels and restaurants 2,482 2,940 2,666
6,043 6,073 5,027 Maritime sector 5,027 6,097 6,066
14,377 14,130 13,704 Property management 13,761 14,142 14,346
2,019 1,880 2,534 Business services 2,174 1,698 1,777
2,859 3,021 3,311 Transport and other services provision 3,893 3,509 3,355
192 205 255 Public administration 269 225 211
1,458 2,569 1,533 Other sectors 1,463 2,587 1,477
44,958 45,558 45,270 Gross loans in retail market 47,074 47,315 46,653
78,575 76,868 84,650 Wage earners 87,388 78,864 80,725
123,533 122,426 129,920 Gross loans incl. SB1 Boligkreditt /SB1 Næringskreditt 134,462 126,180 127,378
31,944 29,894 32,930 SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt 32,930 29,894 31,944
1,460 1,369 1,963 SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 1,963 1,369 1,460
90,129 91,163 95,027 Gross loans in balance sheet 99,569 94,917 93,974
174 182 546  - Specified write-downs 558 191 183
358 308 373  - Collective write-downs 391 326 376
89,596 90,673 94,108 Net loans to and receivables from customers 98,619 94,400 93,415
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