Cash flow statement


Parent bank   Group
2015 Q1 15 Q1 16 (NOKm) Q1 16 Q1 15 2015
1,471 389 193 Net profit 311 441 1,406
70 10 10 Depreciations and write-downs on fixed assets 24 25 104
159 20 167 Losses on loans and guarantees 170 22 169
1,700 419 371 Net cash increase from ordinary operations 505 488 1,678
224 90 -2,529 Decrease/(increase) other receivables -2,659 113 -190
-782 870 1,271 Increase/(decrease) short term debt 1,401 652 -112
-3,277 -1,461 -1,223 Decrease/(increase) loans to customers -1,361 -1,527 -3,472
-1,520 -691 -220 Decrease/(increase) loans credit institutions 82 -663 -1,118
3,889 -137 -276 Increase/(decrease) deposits to customers -239 -163 3,410
-968 -1,528 394 Increase/(decrease) debt to credit institutions 394 -1,528 -968
-1,575 307 -204 Increase/(decrease) in short term investments -204 307 -1,575
-2,311 -2,130 -2,416 A) Net cash flow from operations -2,081 -2,321 -2,349
-61 -3 -46 Increase in tangible fixed assets 49 -6 -50
1 - - Reductions in tangible fixed assets - - 1
-821 -196 7 Paid-up capital, associated companies -310 -25 -98
-6 -7 1 Net investments in long-term shares and partnerships -112 15 -702
-887 -206 -38 B) Net cash flow from investments -373 -16 -849
93 34 22 Increase/(decrease) in subordinated loan capital 22 34 93
-1 - 0 Increase/(decrease) in equity 0 - -1
-292 -292 -292 Dividend cleared -292 -292 -292
-160 -160 -40 To be disbursed from gift fund -40 -160 -160
2,153 -1,353 734 Increase/(decrease) in other long term loans 734 -1,353 2,153
1,792 -1,771 424 C) Net cash flow from financial activities 424 -1,771 1,792
-1,405 -4,108 -2,030 A) + B) + C) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents -2,030 -4,108 -1,405
4,676 4,676 3,270 Cash and cash equivalents at 1.1 3,270 4,676 4,676
3,270 568 1,241 Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter 1,241 568 3,270
-1,405 -4,108 -2,030 Net changes in cash and cash equivalents -2,030 -4,108 -1,405

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