Equity capital certificate ratio

(NOKm) 30 Sept 2016 31 Dec 2015
ECC capital 2,597 2,597
Dividend equalisation reserve 3,790 3,790
Premium reserve 895 895
Unrealised gains reserve 142 179
Other equity capital 3 -
A. The equity capital certificate owners' capital 7,428 7,461
Ownerless capital 4,105 4,105
Unrealised gains reserve 79 100
Other equity capital 2 -
B. The saving bank reserve 4,186 4,205
To be disbursed from gift fund - 40
Dividend declared - 292
Equity ex. profit 11,614 11,998
Equity capital certificate ratio A/(A+B) 63.96 % 63.96 %
Equity capital certificate ratio for distribution 63.96 % 63.96 %
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