Note 3 - Account by business line

For the subsidiaries the figures refer to the respective company accounts, while for joint ventures incorporated by the equity method the Group’s profit share is stated, after tax, as well as book value of the investment at group level.


Group 30 June 2016
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM 1 SB1 Finans MN SB1 Regnskaps- huset SMN SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Uncollated Total
Net interest   449 471 -4 2 88 -0 - - -64 942
Interest from allocated capital 25 20 - - - - - - -46 -
Total interest income 474 492 -4 2 88 -0  -   -  -110 942
Commission income and other income 338 97 108 216 -5 126 - - -30 849
Net return on financial investments **) 0 6 33 - - - 141 51 211 441
Total income  812 594 136 217 83 126 141 51 71 2.232
Total operating expenses 401 182 129 174 29 100 - - 2 1.016
Ordinary operating profit 412 412 7 43 54 26 141 51 71 1.217
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  7 274 2 - 6 - - - -1 287
Result before tax including held for sale 405 138 5 43 48 26 141 51 71 928
Post-tax return on equity*) 13,3 % 2,4 %               10,9 %
Balance (NOKm)                     
Loans and advances to customers 89.299 37.454 - - 4.933 - - - 896 132.583
Adv. of this to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -33.044 -1.749 - - - - - - - -34.793
Individual allowance for impairment on loan -23 -379 - - -8 - - - -2 -412
Group allowance for impairment on loan -95 -304 - - -19 - - - 1 -418
Other assets  213 7 1.604 296 13 220 1.508 1.153 39.172 44.185
Total assets   56.349 35.029 1.604 296 4.919 220 1.508 1.153 40.066 141.145
Deposits to customers  35.457 31.511 - - - - - - 63 67.031
Other liabilities and equity 20.892 3.519 1.604 296 4.919 220 1.508 1.153 40.003 74.114
Total liabilites  56.349 35.029 1.604 296 4.919 220 1.508 1.153 40.066 141.145


Group 30 june 2015
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM Markets EM 1 SB1 Finans MN SB1 Regnskaps- huset SMN SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Uncollated Total
Net interest   442 450 -1 1 73 -0 - - -32 934
Interest from allocated capital 31 37 - - - - - - -68 -
Total interest income 473 487 -1 1 73 -0 - - -100 934
Commission income and other income 348 84 23 191 0 117 - - 26 790
Net return on financial investments **) 0 7 26 - - - 128 35 166 362
Total income 821 578 49 193 73 117 128 35 93 2,086
Total operating expenses 370 175 59 164 27 97 - - 58 950
Ordinary operating profit 451 403 -10 29 46 20 128 35 35 1,137
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  3 49 - - 3 - - - 1 56
Result before tax including held for sale 448 354 -10 29 43 20 128 35 33 1,080
Post-tax return on equity*) 17.0 % 13.0 %               13.7 %
Balance (NOKm)                     
Loans and advances to customers 81,352 38,090 - - 3,937 - - - 1,140 124,519
Adv. of this to SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt -29,057 -1,283 - - - - - - -1 -30,340
Individual allowance for impairment on loan -22 -136 - - -8 - - - -2 -168
Group allowance for impairment on loan -90 -188 - - -17 - - - -0 -296
Other assets  171 8 1,471 264 18 144 1,381 1,149 32,570 37,174
Total assets   52,353 36,490 1,471 264 3,930 144 1,381 1,149 33,707 130,888
Deposits to customers  33,915 31,552 - - - - - - 719 66,186
Other liabilities and equity 18,438 4,939 1,471 264 3,930 144 1,381 1,149 32,988 64,702
Total liabilites  52,353 36,490 1,471 264 3,930 144 1,381 1,149 33,707 130,888
*) As from the third quarter 2014, calculation of capital employed in Retail Banking and Corporate Banking is based on regulatory capital. This capital is grossed up to 14.5 percent to be in line with the capital plan.
**) Specification of net return on financial investments incl. investment held for sale (NOKm) First half 2016 First half 2015
Capital gains/dividends, shares 65 70
Bonds and derivatives 78 -21
Forex and fixed income business, Markets 54 64
Net return on financial investments 197 114
SpareBank 1 Gruppen 141 128
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  22 50
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 15 15
BN Bank 51 35
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort   14 10
Companies owned by SpareBank 1 SMN Invest   13 13
Other companies -11 -2
Income from investment in associates and joint ventures 244 249
Total net return on financial investments 441 362
© SpareBank 1 SMN