Note 5 - Distribution of loans by sector/industry

Parent Bank   Group
31 Dec 2015 30 June 2015 30 June 2016 (NOKm) 30 June 2016 30 June 2015 31 Dec 2015
8,515 8,011 9,185 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, hunting 9,357 8,152 8,674
1,485 1,582 1,667 Sea farming industries 2,044 1,798 1,807
2,387 2,043 2,546 Manufacturing 2,823 2,333 2,675
3,141 3,768 2,934 Construction, power and water supply 3,432 4,247 3,598
2,482 2,690 2,395 Retail trade, hotels and restaurants 2,591 2,856 2,666
6,043 5,999 5,370 Maritime sector 5,407 6,024 6,066
14,377 14,120 14,051 Property management 14,110 14,167 14,346
2,019 1,771 2,456 Business services 2,119 1,681 1,777
2,859 2,940 3,299 Transport and other services provision 3,829 3,408 3,355
192 188 170 Public administration 186 208 211
1,458 2,324 1,626 Other sectors 1,512 2,342 1,477
44,958 45,435 45,699 Gross loans in retail market 47,411 47,215 46,653
78,575 75,473 82,619 Wage earners 85,171 77,304 80,725
123,533 120,908 128,318 Gross loans incl. SB1 Boligkreditt /SB1 Næringskreditt 132,583 124,519 127,378
31,944 28,965 32,952 SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt 32,952 28,965 31,944
1,460 1,375 1,841 SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 1,841 1,375 1,460
90,129 90,568 93,525 Gross loans in balance sheet 97,790 94,179 93,974
174 159 402  - Specified write-downs 412 168 183
358 278 398  - Collective write-downs 418 296 376
89,596 90,131 92,724 Net loans to and receivables from customers 96,960 93,715 93,415
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