Note 11 - Account by business line

    Group 31 March 2011
Profit and loss account (NOK million) RM CM Markets EM 1 SP1F Allegro MNR Uncollated Total
Net interest  134 191 4 1 22 - - -25 327
Allocated   10 27 1 - - - - -37 0
Total interest income 144 218 4 1 22 - - -63 327
Commission income and other income 89 36 4 64 2 3 18 5 221
Net return on financial investments **) 1 5 12 0 0 0 - 100 118
Total income *) 234 259 21 65 24 3 18 43 666
Total operating expenses 150 86 20 52 12 4 16 8 348
Ordinary operating profit 84 173 0 12 13 -1 2 35 318
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  1 -11 0 0 4 0 0 0 -6
Result before tax 83 183 0 12 9 -1 2 35 325
Post-tax return on equity 22.7 % 18.9 %             13.2 %
Balance (NOK million)                  
Loans and advances to customers 47,919 36,485 - - 2,954 - - 1,249 88,606
adv. of this to Boligkreditt -19,118 -229 - - - - - -706 -20,054
Individual allowance for impairment on loan -29 -153 - - -35 - - - -217
Group allowance for impairment on loan - - - - -16 - - -273 -290
Other assets 194 158 - 89 -2,436 16 15 28,372 26,409
Total assets  28,966 36,261 - 89 466 16 15 28,642 94,455
Deposits to customers 19,317 21,801 - - - - - 1,782 42,900
Other liabilities and equity 9,649 14,460 - 89 466 16 15 26,859 51,555
Total liabilites 28,966 36,261 - 89 466 16 15 28,642 94,455


    Group 31 March 2010
Profit and loss account (NOK million) RM CM Markets EM 1 SP1F Allegro MNR Uncollated Total
Net interest  129 175 3 1 25 - - -32 300
Allocated   4 10 0 - - - - -14 0
Total interest income 133 185 3 1 25 - - -46 300
Commission income and other income 88 30 4 52 1 3 14 2 194
Net return on financial investments **) 0 2 7 0 0 0 - 26 36
Total income *) 220 217 14 53 26 3 14 -18 529
Total operating expenses 138 80 19 47 7 4 6 -95 206
Ordinary operating profit 82 137 -5 6 19 -1 8 77 323
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  3 53 0 0 12 0 0 40 68
Result before tax 79 84 -5 6 7 -1 8 37 255
Post-tax return on equity 21.4 % 8.8 %             12.1 %
Balance (NOK million)                  
Loans and advances to customers 43,823 31,597 - - 2,813 - - 1,327 79,560
adv. of this to Boligkreditt -16,883 -265 - - - - - -525 -17,673
Individual allowance for impairment on loan -40 -157 - - -30 - - -40 -267
Group allowance for impairment on loan -108 -165 - - -18 - - 0 -292
Other assets 266 145 - 100 44 14 12 23,049 23,630
Total assets  27,058 31,154 - 100 2,808 14 12 23,811 84,958
Deposits to customers 18,422 18,816 - - - - - 368 37,606
Other liabilities and equity 8,636 12,338 - 100 2,808 14 12 23,442 47,351
Total liabilites 27,058 31,154 - 100 2,808 14 12 23,811 84,958

*) A portion of capital market income (Markets) is distributed on RM and CM

**) Specification of net return on financial investments (NOKm) 31 March 2011 31 March 2010
Income from investment in related companies 54 41
adv. of this from SpareBank1 Gruppen 31 22
adv. of this from BN Bank ASA 14 13
adv. of this from Bank 1 Oslo 4 7
Net gain and dividends on securities 30 -10
adv. of this from Midt-Norge Invest 21 -12
Net gain on bonds 25 -3
Net gain on trading and derivatives SMN Markets 10 8
Net return on financial investments 118 36


Report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN