Note 17 - Earnings per EC

(Nokm) January - June 2018 January - June 2017
Adjusted Net Profit to allocate between ECC owners and Savings Bank Reserve 1)  1,163 741
Allocated to ECC Owners 2)  744 474
Issues Equity Captial Certificates adjusted for own certificates 129,331,186 129,552,433
Earnings per Equity Captial Certificate 5.75 3.66


1) Adjusted Net Profit January - June 2018 January - June 2017
Net Profit for the group 1,209 776
adjusted for non-controlling interests share of net profit -27 -17
Adjusted for Tier 1 capital holders share of net profit -20 -17
Adjusted Net Profit 1,163 741


2) Equity capital certificate ratio (parent bank)     
(NOKm) 30 June 2018 31 Dec 2017
ECC capital 2,597 2,597
Dividend equalisation reserve 5,079 4,487
Premium reserve 895 895
Unrealised gains reserve 81 81
Other equity capital -8 8
A. The equity capital certificate owners' capital 8,644 8,068
Ownerless capital 4,831 4,498
Unrealised gains reserve 45 45
Other equity capital -4 5
B. The saving bank reserve 4,872 4,548
To be disbursed from gift fund - -
Dividend declared - -
Equity ex. profit 13,517 12,616
Equity capital certificate ratio A/(A+B) 63.95 % 63.95 %
Equity capital certificate ratio for distribution 63.95 % 63.95 %
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