Income statement

Parent bank     Group
  Second quarter First half     First half Second quarter  
2023 2023 2024 2023 2024 (NOKm) Note 2024 2023 2024 2023 2023
9,219 2,117 2,742 4,006 5,435 Interest income effective interest method   5,712 4,263 2,881 2,249 9,721
1,647 407 447 776 901 Other interest income   897 773 444 406 1,642
6,622 1,542 2,014 2,873 3,957 Interest expenses    3,963 2,876 2,016 1,544 6,631
4,244 982 1,175 1,908 2,380 Net interest  10 2,646 2,160 1,310 1,110 4,732
1,117 292 336 573 634 Commission income   793 709 426 367 1,370
114 28 27 54 59 Commission expenses   103 101 51 51 199
73 19 17 35 29 Other operating income   580 494 323 245 913
1,076 283 325 554 604 Commission income and other income 11 1,270 1,102 698 561 2,084
711 585 141 589 256 Dividends   9 20 6 18 26
- - - - - Income from investment in related companies 3 342 209 148 85 297
364 3 1 -78 24 Net return on financial investments 13 52 -130 -1 -16 376
1,076 588 142 511 280 Net return on financial investments   404 99 153 86 699
6,396 1,853 1,643 2,973 3,264 Total income   4,320 3,361 2,161 1,757 7,515
849 181 233 370 485 Staff costs   967 781 484 383 1,691
1,121 250 262 529 500 Other operating expenses 12 634 630 334 300 1,326
1,969 430 495 899 985 Total operating expenses    1,600 1,411 818 683 3,017
4,426 1,423 1,148 2,074 2,280 Result before losses   2,720 1,950 1,343 1,074 4,498
-72 4 40 -73 61 Loss on loans, guarantees etc. 6, 7 70 -42 47 29 14
4,498 1,419 1,108 2,147 2,219 Result before tax 3 2,649 1,991 1,296 1,045 4,484
820 129 235 305 477 Tax charge   549 365 276 159 904
- - - - - Result investment held for sale, after tax  2, 3 -2 74 -5 37 108
3,678 1,290 873 1,843 1,742 Net profit   2,098 1,701 1,015 923 3,688
122 25 26 58 66 Attributable to additional Tier 1 Capital holders    70 60 29 26 125
2,376 809 566 1,141 1,120 Attributable to Equity capital certificate holders    1,318 1,049 639 575 2,331
1,181 456 281 643 557 Attributable to the saving bank reserve    655 522 317 286 1,159
- - - - - Attributable to non-controlling interests   54 70 30 36 74
3,678 1,290 873 1,843 1,742 Net profit   2,098 1,701 1,015 923 3,688
          Profit/diluted profit per ECC 19 9.14 7.82 4.43 4.21 16.88
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Total comprehensive income

Parent bank   Group
  Second quarter First half   First half Second quarter  
2023 2023 2024 2023 2024 (NOKm) 2024 2023 2024 2023 2023
3,678 1,290 873 1,843 1,742 Net profit 2,098 1,701 1,015 923 3,688
          Items that will not be reclassified to profit/loss          
-27 - -  -  - Actuarial gains and losses pensions - - - - -27
7 - -  -  - Tax  - - - - 7
- - - - - Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint venture 3 1 2 1 6
-20 - - - - Total 3 1 2 1 -14
          Items that will be reclassified to profit/loss          
- - - - - Fair value change on financial assets through other comprehensive income - - - - -
-5 - -3 -1 -2 Value changes on loans measured at fair value -2 -1 -3 -7 -5
- - - - - Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint venture -62 -11 -29 5 -140
- - - - -  Tax - - - - -
-5 - -3 -1 -2  Total  -65 -12 -32 -1 -145
-25 - -3 -1 -2  Net other comprehensive income  -62 -11 -30 -1 -158
3,653 1,290 871 1,841 1,740 Total comprehensive income 2,036 1,690 985 922 3,530
122 25 26 58 66 Attributable to additional Tier 1 Capital holders  70 60 29 26 125
2,359 845 564 1,191 1,118 Attributable to Equity capital certificate holders  1,277 1,042 619 574 2,225
1,173 420 280 592 556 Attributable to the saving bank reserve  635 518 308 286 1,106
- - - - - Attributable to non-controlling interests 54 70 30 36 74
3,653 1,290 871 1,841 1,740 Total comprehensive Income 2,036 1,690 985 922 3,530
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