Note 3 - Account by business line

For the subsidiaries the figures refer to the respective company accounts, while for joint ventures incorporated by the equity method the Group’s profit share is stated, after tax, as well as book value of the investment at group level.


Group 31 December 2017
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM SB1 Markets EM 1 SB1 Finans MN SB1 Regnskaps- huset SMN SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Uncollated Total
Net interest 993 977 -15 3 228 -1 - - 38 2,225
Interest from allocated capital 144 131 - - - - - - -274 -
Total interest income 1,137 1,108 -15 3 228 -1 -  -  -236 2,225
Commission income and other income 789 199 369 473 55 377 - - -257 2,005
Net return on financial investments **) 0 9 82 -0 - - 349 94 224 758
Total income 1,926 1,315 437 477 283 376 349 94 -269 4,988
Total operating expenses 794 365 435 474 137 315 - - -152 2,369
Ordinary operating profit 1,132 950 2 3 146 61 349 94 -117 2,619
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  5 318 - - 18 - - - -0 341
Result before tax including held for sale 1,127 632 2 3 128 61 349 94 -117 2,278
Post-tax return on equity*) 16.6 % 10.5 %               11.5 %
Balance (NOKm)                     
Loans and advances to customers 103,131 39,482 - - 6,740 - - - -569 148,784
Adv. of this to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -35,047 -1,666 - - - - - - 0 -36,713
Individual allowance for impairment on loan -22 -729 - - -12 - - - -2 -765
Group allowance for impairment on loan -90 -218 - - -24 - - - -15 -347
Other assets  168 4,141 2,242 612 20 323 1,569 1,149 32,070 42,295
Total assets   68,141 41,010 2,242 612 6,724 323 1,569 1,149 31,483 153,254
Deposits to customers  37,182 38,719 - - - - - - 574 76,476
Other liabilities and equity 30,959 2,290 2,242 612 6,724 323 1,569 1,149 30,909 76,778
Total liabilites and equity 68,141 41,010 2,242 612 6,724 323 1,569 1,149 31,483 153,254



Group 31 December 2016
Profit and loss account (NOKm) RM CM Markets EM 1 SB1 Finans MN SB1 Regnskaps- huset SMN SB1 Gruppen BN Bank Uncollated Total
Net interest   906 960 -8 4 183 0 - - -117 1,929
Interest from allocated capital 47 40 - - - - - - -86 -
Total interest income 953 1,000 -8 4 183 0  -   -  -204 1,929
Commission income and other income 679 196 212 426 -11 234 - - -62 1,674
Net return on financial investments **) 1 9 88 - - - 317 86 448 949
Total income  1,633 1,205 292 430 172 235 317 86 182 4,552
Total operating expenses 770 332 282 363 55 191 - - 11 2,003
Ordinary operating profit 863 873 10 68 117 44 317 86 170 2,549
 Loss on loans, guarantees etc.  13 490 - - 13 - - - 1 516
Result before tax including held for sale 850 384 10 68 104 44 317 86 170 2,033
Post-tax return on equity*) 13.8 % 6.9 %               11.3 %
Balance (NOKm)                     
Loans and advances to customers 93,757 38,938 - - 5,430 - - - -590 137,535
Adv. of this to SB1 Boligkreditt and SB1 Næringskreditt -33,307 -1,903 - - - - - - -0 -35,211
Individual allowance for impairment on loan -24 -596 - - -11 - - - -2 -632
Group allowance for impairment on loan -90 -228 - - -20 - - - -0 -339
Other assets  177 35 1,702 322 16 218 1,476 1,186 31,594 36,726
Total assets   60,514 36,245 1,702 322 5,414 218 1,476 1,186 31,002 138,080
Deposits to customers  34,856 32,401 - - - - - - -89 67,168
Other liabilities and equity 25,658 3,845 1,702 322 5,414 218 1,476 1,186 31,091 70,912
Total liabilites and equity 60,514 36,245 1,702 322 5,414 218 1,476 1,186 31,002 138,080
*) Calculation of capital employed in Retail Banking and Corporate Banking is based on regulatory capital. This capital is grossed up to 15.0 percent to be in line with the capital plan per 31 December 2017.


**) Specification of net return on financial investments incl. Investment held for sale (NOKm) 31 Dec 2017 31 Dec 2016
Dividends 6 88
Capital gains shares 62 76
Gain/(loss) on derivatives 148 280
Gain/(loss) on other financial instruments at fair value (FVO)  7 26
Foreign exchange gain / (loss)   45 51
Gain/(Loss) on sertificates and bonds   58 -2
Gain/(Loss) on shares and share derivatives at SpareBank 1 Markets  43 25
Gain/(loss) on financial instruments related to hedging ***)  -46 -21
Net return on financial instruments 317 434
SpareBank 1 Gruppen 349 317
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  -41 -17
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 19 29
BN Bank adjusted for the profit share in BN Bolig 98 86
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort   15 24
SpareBank 1 Mobilbetaling   -14 -27
Other companies 10 15
Income from investment in associates and joint ventures 436 427
Total net return on financial investments 758 949
***) Fair value hedging  31 Dec 2017 31 Dec 2016 
Changes in fair value on hedging instrument -239 -302
Changes in fair value on hedging item 192 281
Net Gain or Loss from hedge accounting -46 -21
© SpareBank 1 SMN