Note 1 - Accounting principles

SpareBank 1 SMN prepares and presents its quarterly accounts in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations, Stock Exchange Rules and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) approved by EU, including IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting. The quarterly accounts do not include all the information required in a complete set of annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the annual accounts for 2014. Further, the Group has in this quarterly report used the same accounting principles and calculation methods as in the latest annual report and accounts, except:

IFRIC 21 Levies

Wealth tax

The interpretation addresses when to recognise a liability to pay levies. For SpareBank 1 SMN this brings a change in the treatment of wealth tax. Wealth tax is calculated on the bank's assets at year-end and is therefore recognised in December of the accounting year. In previous years this was done monthly on an accruals basis.

Guarantee Fund levy

The levy to the Banks' Guarantee Fund is normally based on previous quarters' average guaranteed deposits and average risk weighted assets. The question of whether withdrawing from the guarantee fund arrangement will entail a refund of levy paid in excess is not regulated. In practice a pro rata charge has been made upon enrolment. This practice and consistency of treatment suggest a pro rata approach upon withdrawal. The Ministry of Finance will settle the matter by administrative decision. This has a bearing on when the levy is to be recognised in the accounts. In the first quarter SpareBank 1 SMN continued its earlier practice of accrual on a monthly basis.

SpareBank 1 SMN implemented IFRIC 21 on 1 January 2015.

Other changes

The Group has changed its presentation of accrued interest as from the first quarter of 2015. Accrued interest is now presented together with the underlying financial instrument. It was previously presented as other assets and other liabilities. Historical figures for 2014 are similarly restated.


Report and notes

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