Note 8 - Gross Loans

  31 Mar 2024 31 Mar 2023 31 Dec 2023
Parent Bank (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Retail Market                        
Opening balance 90,901 4,553 725 96,178 80,994 3,962 527 85,484 80,994 3,962 527 85,484
Transfer to stage 1 880 -868 -13 - 1,061 -1,048 -14 - 895 -868 -27 -
Transfer to stage 2 -875 889 -14 - -1,003 1,010 -7 - -1,538 1,557 1 -
Transfer to stage 3 -5 -111 116 - -2 -95 97 - -38 -156 194 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -1,184 -45 -17 -1,246 -973 -33 -2 -1,007 -2,305 -95 -6 -2,406
New loans 12,389 281 72 12,743 11,257 205 49 11,511 42,690 1,549 222 44,460
Derecognitions -12,729 -525 -93 -13,346 -11,250 -489 -59 -11,798 -29,797 -1,395 -149 -31,342
Financial assets with actual loan losses 0 0 -1 -1 -0 - -8 -8 0 0 -18 -18
Closing balance 89,377 4,175 775 94,327 80,085 3,514 583 84,181 90,901 4,553 725 96,178
Corporate Market                        
Opening balance 47,327 6,988 1,165 55,480 43,127 5,883 1,346 50,356 43,127 5,883 1,346 50,356
Transfer to stage 1 249 -245 -5 - 791 -787 -4 - 1,026 -1,021 -5 -
Transfer to stage 2 -1,008 1,008 -0 - -625 700 -76 - -2,669 2,670 -1 -
Transfer to stage 3 -4 -31 35 - -11 -16 27 - -72 -44 116 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -131 -55 -3 -189 106 -66 2 42 -1,099 -485 -10 -1,594
New loans 6,193 1,257 188 7,638 4,732 30 47 4,810 17,922 816 351 19,089
Derecognitions -4,768 -1,370 -408 -6,546 -3,147 -162 -50 -3,360 -10,901 -828 -335 -12,064
Financial assets with actual loan losses 0 0 -3 -3 0 0 -5 -5 -7 -2 -298 -307
Closing balance 47,858 7,553 969 56,380 44,972 5,582 1,288 51,843 47,327 6,988 1,165 55,480
Fixed interest loans at FV 5,909     5,909 4,707     4,707 5,582 - - 5,582
Total gross loans at the end of the period 143,145 11,727 1,744 156,617 129,764 9,096 1,872 140,731 143,809 11,541 1,890 157,240
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  31 Mar 2024 31 Mar 2023 31 Dec 2023
Group (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Retail Market                        
Opening balance 96,963 5,474 825 103,263 86,972 4,901 635 92,508 86,972 4,901 635 92,508
Transfer to stage 1 1,223 -1,209 -13 - 1,180 -1,167 -14 - 1,138 -1,108 -30 -
Transfer to stage 2 -1,052 1,070 -18 - -1,219 1,229 -10 - -1,955 1,978 -23 -
Transfer to stage 3 -11 -145 156 - -5 -120 124 - -59 -219 277 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -1,159 -51 -19 -1,229 -902 -40 -3 -944 -2,272 -165 -20 -2,457
New loans 13,231 301 73 13,605 12,195 229 50 12,474 45,658 1,781 231 47,670
Derecognitions -13,502 -600 -108 -14,210 -11,990 -581 -69 -12,640 -32,519 -1,694 -227 -34,440
Financial assets with actual loan losses - - -1 -1 -0 - -8 -8 -0 -0 -18 -18
Closing balance 95,694 4,839 895 101,428 86,232 4,451 705 91,389 96,963 5,474 825 103,263
Corporate Market                        
Opening balance 51,327 8,533 1,259 61,119 47,621 6,460 1,410 55,491 47,621 6,460 1,410 55,491
Transfer to stage 1 332 -323 -9 - 846 -834 -12 - 1,207 -1,199 -8 -
Transfer to stage 2 -1,132 1,137 -5 - -684 760 -76 - -3,639 3,655 -17 -
Transfer to stage 3 -10 -54 64 - -16 -41 57 - -101 -80 180 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -97 -61 -4 -162 119 -68 1 52 -1,103 -692 -23 -1,818
New loans 6,668 1,367 188 8,223 5,242 41 50 5,333 19,159 1,339 368 20,866
Derecognitions -5,137 -1,530 -421 -7,088 -3,431 -211 -66 -3,708 -11,811 -949 -354 -13,114
Financial assets with actual loan losses 0 0 -3 -3 0 0 -4 -4 -7 -2 -297 -306
Balance at 31 December 51,952 9,068 1,069 62,089 49,696 6,108 1,359 57,163 51,327 8,533 1,259 61,119
Closing balance                        
Fixed interest loans at FV 5,809     5,809 4,629     4,629 5,480     5,480
Total gross loans at the end of the period 153,455 13,907 1,964 169,326 140,557 10,559 2,065 153,181 153,770 14,007 2,085 169,862
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