Cash flow statement

Parent bank   Group
2011 31 Mar 2011 31 Mar 2012 (NOK million) 31 Mar 2012 31 Mar 2011 2011
820 172 173 Profit                    272 255 1,024
38 9 10 Depreciations and write-downs on fixed assets                     23 21 88
12 -10 7 Losses on loans and guarantees                       8 -6 27
870 171                   189 Net cash increase from ordinary opertions                    304 269 1,140
-1,656 180 17 Decrease/(increase) other receivables -74 110 -1,851
1,687 110 585 Increase/(decrease) short term debt 497 -37 1,679
-3,398 1,117 1,427 Decrease/(increase) loans to customers 1,408 1,296 -3,335
-2,139 -509 955 Decrease/(increase) loans credit institutions 980 -527 -2,137
5,086 30 1,108 Increase/(decrease) deposits and debt to customers 1,103 115 5,086
-3,944 -441 -1,375 Increase/(decrease) debt to credit institutions -1,376 -441 -3,944
4,118 1,401 -360 Increase/(decrease) in short term investments -360 1,401 4,062
624 2,057 2,546 A) NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS 2,482 2,185 699
-59 -21 -21 Increase in tangible fixed assets -93 -64 -184
               1                   -                       - Reductions in tangible fixed assets                        -                    - 2
-900 -468 -473 Paid-up capital, associated companies -323 -593 -734
79 20 2 Net investments in long-term shares and partnerships -14 46 7
-879 -469 -491 B) NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENTS -429 -612 -909
-68 -103 -115 Increase/(decrease) in subordinated loan capital -115 -103 -68
0 0                       - Hybrid equity State Finance Fund                        -                    -                 -
0                   -                       - Increase/(decrease) in equity                        -                    - 0
-285 -285                  -190 Dividend cleared                   -190 -285 -285
-192              -192                    -40 To be disbursed from gift fund                    -40               -192 -192
                -                   -                       - Correction of equity capital                       2 15 -45
207 -2,864 -2,579 Increase/(decrease) in other long term loans -2,579 -2,864 207
-338 -3,444 -2,923 C) NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCAL ACTIVITIES -2,921 -3,429 -383
-593 -1,855 -869 A) + B) + C) NET CHANGES IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS -869 -1,855 -593
2,112 2,112 1,519 Cash and cash equivalents at 01.01 1,519 2,112 2,112
1,519 257 650 Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter 650 257 1,519
593 1,855 869 Net changes in cash and cash equivalents 869 1,855 593

Report and notes

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