Cash flow statement

Parent bank   Group
  January - September   January - September  
2017 2017 2018 (NOKm) 2018 2017 2017
1,850 1,471 1,649 Net profit 1,689 1,275 1,828
50 34 47 Depreciations and write-downs on fixed assets 66 74 102
323 252 172 Losses on loans and guarantees 196 263 341
2,223 1,732 1,868 Net cash increase from ordinary operations 1,951 1,587 2,271
656 -59 1,328 Decrease/(increase) other receivables 898 -420 480
-455 640 835 Increase/(decrease) short term debt 1,004 890 -339
-8,593 -7,400 -5,647 Decrease/(increase) loans to customers -6,418 -8,558 -9,946
-1,340 607 -3,279 Decrease/(increase) loans credit institutions -2,614 1,582 -322
8,972 5,633 955 Increase/(decrease) deposits to customers 1,054 5,918 9,308
-1,252 -1,130 -193 Increase/(decrease) debt to credit institutions 500 -1,025 -902
-2,259 -354 94 Increase/(decrease) in short term investments 15 -351 -2,179
-2,047 -331 -4,037 A) Net cash flow from operations -3,611 -378 -1,629
-100 -50 -53 Increase in tangible fixed assets -103 -130 383
-145 -187 281 Paid-up capital, associated companies 545 51 -685
94 113 -186 Net investments in long-term shares and partnerships -836 0 -249
-146 -120 43 B) Net cash flow from investments -394 -74 -546
-27 321 466 Increase/(decrease) in subordinated loan capital 467 321 -27
0 0 0 Increase/(decrease) in equity 12 0 -21
-390 -390 -571 Dividend cleared -571 -390 -390
-220 -220 -322 To be disbursed from gift fund -322 -220 -220
-33 -25 318 Increase/(decrease) in Additional Tier 1 capital  317 -25 -33
5,860 1,775 1,919 Increase/(decrease) in other long term loans 1,917 1,775 5,862
5,191 1,487 1,811 C) Net cash flow from financial activities 1,820 1,487 5,173
2,998 1,035 -2,184 A) + B) + C) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents -2,184 1,035 2,998
315 315 3,313 Cash and cash equivalents at 1.1 3,313 315 315
3,313 1,351 1,129 Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter 1,129 1,351 3,313
2,998 1,035 -2,184 Net changes in cash and cash equivalents -2,184 1,035 2,998
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