Cash flow statement

Parent bank   Group
  First half   First half  
2016 2016 2017 (NOKm) 2017 2016 2016
1,655 938 1,106 Net profit 759 771 1,647
34 21 22 Depreciations and write-downs on fixed assets 49 48 98
502 281 167 Losses on loans and guarantees 175 287 516
2,191 1,240 1,295 Net cash increase from ordinary operations 983 1,107 2,261
2,310 308 109 Decrease/(increase) other receivables -348 45 2,234
-1,586 534 -41 Increase/(decrease) short term debt 126 580 -1,601
-7,405 -3,408 -4,401 Decrease/(increase) loans to customers -5,210 -3,832 -8,454
-2,318 -4,034 -1,800 Decrease/(increase) loans credit institutions -1,105 -3,606 -1,485
3,299 2,935 8,104 Increase/(decrease) deposits to customers 8,391 2,941 3,078
2,144 2,058 -1,038 Increase/(decrease) debt to credit institutions -988 2,073 2,354
-1,885 -4,187 -2,757 Increase/(decrease) in short term investments -2,756 -4,110 -1,805
-3,249 -4,555 -529 A) Net cash flow from operations -906 -4,803 -3,418
-26 -58 -26 Increase in tangible fixed assets -97 17 -52
-223 -234 -121 Paid-up capital, associated companies 239 -89 33
36 52 57 Net investments in long-term shares and partnerships 146 38 -67
-213 -240 -89 B) Net cash flow from investments 288 -34 -86
-324 73 2 Increase/(decrease) in subordinated loan capital 2 116 -281
0 0 0 Increase/(decrease) in equity 0 0 0
-292 -292 -389 Dividend cleared -389 -292 -292
-40 -40 -220 To be disbursed from gift fund -220 -40 -40
1,162 2,983 3,358 Increase/(decrease) in other long term loans 3,358 2,983 1,162
507 2,724 2,751 C) Net cash flow from financial activities 2,751 2,766 549
-2,955 -2,071 2,133 A) + B) + C) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents 2,133 -2,071 -2,955
3,270 3,270 315 Cash and cash equivalents at 1.1 315 3,270 3,270
315 1,200 2,448 Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter 2,448 1,200 315
-2,955 -2,071 2,133 Net changes in cash and cash equivalents 2,133 -2,071 -2,955
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