Note 5 - Distribution of loans by sector/industry

Parent Bank   Group
31 Dec 2016 30 Sept 2016 30 Sept 2017 (NOKm) 30 Sept 2017 30 Sept 2016 31 Dec 2016
10,290 9,419 11,217 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, hunting 11,486 9,607 10,499
1,599 1,359 1,352 Sea farming industries 1,745 1,738 1,985
2,701 2,692 3,256 Manufacturing 3,560 2,977 2,985
2,980 3,160 2,712 Construction, power and water supply 3,341 3,684 3,532
2,288 2,276 2,288 Retail trade, hotels and restaurants 2,546 2,482 2,510
4,983 5,027 4,678 Maritime sector 4,678 5,027 4,983
13,688 13,704 14,807 Property management 14,867 13,761 13,744
2,442 2,534 2,415 Business services 2,216 2,174 2,072
3,220 3,311 3,588 Transport and other services provision 4,332 3,893 3,836
273 255 211 Public administration 226 269 288
1,670 1,533 1,766 Other sectors 1,796 1,463 1,700
46,135 45,270 48,289 Gross loans in retail market 50,794 47,074 48,133
86,513 84,650 92,818 Wage earners 96,352 87,388 89,402
132,648 129,920 141,107 Gross loans incl. SB1 Boligkreditt /SB1 Næringskreditt 147,146 134,462 137,535
33,142 32,930 34,196 of which SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt 34,196 32,930 33,142
2,069 1,963 2,255 of which SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 2,255 1,963 2,069
97,437 95,027 104,656 Gross loans in balance sheet 110,695 99,569 102,325
620 546 685  - Specified write-downs 700 558 632
318 373 323  - Collective write-downs 346 391 339
96,499 94,108 103,647 Net loans to and receivables from customers 109,649 98,619 101,354
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